Lectures & posters
Preliminary programme - lectures and posters
This is our preliminary version of the conference programme.
TUESDAY, April 27, 2010
Helium Cryogenics
- 031 - Helium cryogenics at TRIUMF
Sekachev I. - 018 - Characterization of High Temperature Superconducting Power Devices
at 40-80 K Using Closed Cycle Cryogenic Helium Circulation System
Pamidi S., Rodrigo H., Crook D., Kvitkovic J., Kim Ch.-H., Kim J.-H., Ranner S., Trociewitz B., Dale S. - 019 - Optimization of Pulse Tube Refrigerators Considering Prominent Operating Parameters Using Evolutionary Algorithms
Roshanghalb F., Jahanbakhshi R., Ghahremani Amir R., Ahmadi P., Saidi M.H. - 033 - Numerical Modeling of Pulse Tube Refrigerator and Sensitivity Analysis
of Simulation
Jahanbakhshi R., Ghahremani Amir R., Roshanghalb F., Saidi M.H. - 026 - Method of progressive decrease of helium evaporation temperature
with the usage of multistage ejector system
Buyadgie D., Nichenko S., Sechenyh V. - 043 - A simple calibration device for cryogenic temperaturesensors using a standard liquid
helium dewar vessel
Funke T., Haberstroh Ch. - 032 - Emissivity and in situ measurement of amount of water condensed
on a metallic sample
Musilová V., Hanzelka P., Králík T.
- 024 - The cryocoupleur, a thermo-mechanical plug for remote operated cryogenerator in nuclear facilities
Rouillé G., Galet F. - 044 - the new high performance helium plant at the IFW Dresden
Haberstroh Ch., Lindackers D.
Superconductivity and Cryogenic Physics
- 016 - Modeling and investigation of heat exchange of high temperature superconductive conductors in liuid nitrogen medium. Estimation of working characteristics for creation of level gages for cryogenic liquids
Arkharov I., Navasardyan E., Parkin A., Emeliyanov V. - 025 - Using of cryogenic corpuscular targets in the experiments for particle acceleration and in the experiments for study the interaction of laser radiation
with matter.
Boukharov A., Büscher M., Fedorets P., Gerasimov A., Chernetsky V. - 042 - First transition effects in magnet-superconductor levitating mechanisms
Perez-Diaz J.-L., Diez-Jimenez E., Sander B., Timm L. - 030 - Characterization and testing of 10 ka vapor cooled conventional current leads under long pulse operation
Gupta N.C., Garg A., Sonara D., Patel R., Mehesuria G., Panchal R., Sharma A.N., Tanna V.L., Pradhan S.
- 004 - Very Low Temperature Thermal Condustivity of Amorphous Solids
Ventura G., Martelli V., Risegari L., Toccafondi N. - 010 - New model of the pinning interaction in HTc superconductors
Sosnowski J. - Commercial presentation - CRYOFLEX® - Convenient Cryogenic Piping
Holger Lehmann, NEXANS Deutschland GmbH
CRYOFLEX vacuum insulated, flexible transfer lines can be delivered in lengths up to 100m in one piece. The lines, together with their associated terminations and hardware, are assembled leak-tested and evacuated at the factory. The flexibility of CRYOFLEX transfer lines allows it to be handled like a cable: it can be uncoiled, pulled through holes in the wall and easily positioned. This permits extremely fast, simple and cost effective installation at customer's site. - Commercial presentation - FREES, the new and patent-registered cryogenics valve for the vacuum-insulated pipe to install in any position and with minimised clearance volume
Klaus Bosch, STÖHR Armaturen GmbH & Co KG
A new and patent registered design incorporated in the crzogenic valve FREES for vacuum insulated pipes enables to install the vlave in anz position without restrictions. Such is even possible when valve insert shall be removed without damaging the vacuum insulation. A further advantage of the new design concept is also the minimised clearance volume, which makes flushing and evacuating of the media space much faster and safer. Even the risk of an accumulation of particles in the clearance space is reduced.
WEDNESDAY, April 28, 2010
- 009 - Design of plate-fin type heat exchanger for LNG liquefaction
Chung M. - 013 - The system fro diagnostics of two-phase liquified natural gas flow
Panferov K., Filippov Y. - 017 - Entropic and statistic analysis of low capacity plants for liquid natural gas (LNG) production
Krasnonosova S., Arkharov A., Bondarenko V., Semenov V. - 040 - Evaluation of Thermodynamic models for the prediction of solid N-alkanes precipitation
Adi Wijaya R.N., Solbraa E., Fredheim A.O. - 015 - Calculation researches of modes of propan-prolylene mixture separation
by rectifying method fro production of 99.992 % super high purity propylene
Arkharov I., Bondarenko V., Navasardyan Y. - 035 - Creation of transport and stationary equipment for aircraft and vehciles working on LNG
Cheremnych O.Ya. - 039 - LNG applications for fueling vehicles
Chrz V.
- 020 - Study and simulation of the rollover of stratified layers during the storage
of the liquiefied natural gas (LNG)
Belgacem A., Rebiai R., Belmedani M. - 005 - Method of contributions group in the refrigerants design using computation
Khetib Y., Kaabi A., Belouar A. - 006 - Investigating of the refrigeration cycle to ejecto-compression
and its applications in the refrigaration
Khetib Y., Kaabi A., Belouar A.
Industrial gases and their application
- 008 - Cryogenic problems of flying longhaul at 40,000FT in stratosphere at -57C
Scurlock R. - 002 - Cryogenic technologies of light rare gases production.
The reserves and prospects for the raw materials complex
Bondarenko V.L., Simonenko O.Yu. - 038 - Cryogenic flowmeters
Wagner R. - 034 - Ultrasounds effect on Heat transfer enhancement of nitrogen:
results of an experimental study
Dallais A., Tianjara N., Youbi Idrissi M., Levy J., Pigorini G., Alo D.
- 021 - Development of a piston pump for liquid cryogens with cryogenic linear motor drive
Kaiser G., Schneider M., Klier J. - 001 - Oscillatory and vortex devices and their use in rare gases extraction
Bondarenko V.L., Losiakov N.P., Simonenko Yu.M., Arkharov A.M. - 003 - The multi-purpose stand for researching the processes of multi-component mixtures rectification on the basis of rare gases
Bondarenko V.L., Diachenko T.V.
Medical application of cryogenics
- 037 - New European norm requirements lead to increasing of liquid nitrogen consumption in hematopoetic progenitory cell bank
Měřička P. - 012 - Effect of thermal gradients in the specimen on survival of cryopreseved plant cells subjected to cryopreservation by slow coolong aproach
Skyba M., Faltus M., Zamecnik J., Cellarova E. - 028 - Cryopreservation of living tissue
Spörl G., Reinsch H., Klinger E., Quinger J., Lauer G. - 014 - Medical aspects of low-temperature ice surfaces creation for winter sports based on molecular influence on physical-mechanical properties
Goncharova G., Dmitriev A., Panov G.
- 022 - Cryopreservation of Hypericum perforatum L. shoot tips by vitrification:
the role of ABA in dehydration tolerance
Bruňáková K., Urbanová M., Čellárová E.