Conference site
The Association of Wastewater Treatment Experts of the Czech Republic (AČE ČR) organizes from May 5 - 7, 2009 in Plzeň (Pilsen), the capital of the West Bohemian region, the 8th International Conference "Odpadní vody - Wastewater 2009". This event is the last one in a successful sequence of biennial conferences
of AČE ČR organized since 1995. A goal of the conference, keeping the traditional name Odpadní vody - Wastewater 2009, will be to present the organizing association as a modern professional union, striving from a narrow concentration on waste water problems to a complex understanding of the water cycle. The conference will be again organized in co-operation with the EWA - European Water Association.
The conference will be held in 2009, which will be also the year during which a new society "CzWA - Czech Water Association" will be created. The conference takes place in Pilsen, in a town which is connecting traditional Czech quality with top science and technology.
The organizers believe, that with the help of all participants they will succeed to keep the high level of previous biennial conferences and simultaneously to extend its contents in accordance with the new conception of the CzWA.
And last but not least come to Pilsen for its most famous product from water - the celebrated Pilsner Urquell!
Parkhotel Plzen
U Borskeho parku 31
320 04 Plzen
Czech Republic
GPS: 49°43´15.13"N, 13°22´15.98"E
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